Naturally, when you've built your website, you'll want as many people as possible to see it. That's why Webador websites are automatically optimized for all devices, including mobile and tablet. You can also make it easier for mobile users to get in touch with you by adding a mobile bar.

Step 1

Go to the Editor.

Step 2

Enable mobile view by clicking on the mobile icon at the top of the menu on the left.

Step 3

You should now see the mobile bar option. Enable the mobile bar.

Step 4

Customize your mobile bar:

  • Color scheme: Choose a color for your mobile bar.
  • Email address: Enter an email address that your visitors can reach you at.
  • Phone number: Enter a phone number so your visitors can call you with one click.
  • Location: Enter a visiting address so your visitors know where to find you.
  • WhatsApp: Enter a phone number so your visitors can contact you via WhatsApp.

Your mobile bar should now look like this:

Step 5

Finally, select the Social network option to add a link to your social media page. Choose your preferred social media platform and enter your username.

Your mobile bar should now look like this: